
全港乒乓球錦標賽 09 甲組賽事


我在這裏介紹有個Channel有很清晰的乒乓球比賽片段,是全港乒乓球錦標賽甲組的賽事,其中有高澤禮在香港比賽的最新的片段 ,我相信這種場面很少有機會見到,因為,第一是業餘對專業,我在電視中都未看過,是認真比賽的那一種,不是國家隊奧運完結之後派冠軍來的表演賽,大家放軟手腳逗下逗下的那一種,可觀性高很多,第二,拍攝很有現場感,就算電視台都很少見到這樣的角度,就像親臨現場一樣。



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSo6Kg0vEus (這幾局可能是平均分數最接近的比賽)



謝嘉俊(港隊代表) vs 趙頌熙(港隊少年代表,在港有乒乓神童之稱,曾在11歲時贏得中國全國兒童賽冠軍)


謝嘉俊(港隊代表) vs 王德龍 09全港公開乒乓球單項錦標賽 Part 1

趙頌熙(青少年港隊代表) 對 陳嘉耀 09全港公開乒乓球單項錦標賽 決勝局 Part 1

陳文鋒 對 蔡鎮滔 2009全港公開乒乓球單項錦標賽 Part 2





Setup Tomcat HTTPS (with JDK 8 to Java 15) in 2 mins

  Setup Tomcat 9 HTTPS/SSL To have a quick view, you may see the video(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDGoF13vhZU 1. Generate Keystore I am using JDK 15 to generate the keystore. But the steps are similar with Tomcat 6 + openjdk 8(as I have tried it before writing this doc) Use “keytool” command to create a self-signed certificate. During the keystore creation process, you need to assign a password and fill in the certificate’s details. D:\apache-tomcat-9.0.38\conf>keytool -genkey -alias tomcatks -keyalg RSA -keystore D:\apache-tomcat-9.0.38\conf\tomcatks When enter the passwords during generation, please make sure the two passwords you entered are the SAME. This is the requirement of Tomcat. Here is the abstract from Tomcat installation  Finally, you will be prompted for the key password , which is the password specifically for this Certificate (as opposed to any other Certificates stored in the same keystore file). You MUST use the same password here as was used f...

IIS connects to Tomcat. Bug in IIS URL redirect, http2

IIS connects to Web/Application Server Tomcat 9 IIS (Internet Information Server 10) on Windows 2016 server Plesk dropped support for connecting Tomcat from IIS. It is disgraceful. I was so disappointed to learn that. However, another exciting opportunity opened up as I learnt URL rewrite is powerful enough to take over the job and even with more elegant simplicity. So I gave it a try. Even without knowing many of its features, I was able to set it up that one of the sites mysub.yourdomain.com (not real domain, just as an example and I tried a few sites in my server) is pointing to a tomcat localhost at 8080. It sounds good enough. Right?   However, after setting the original site mysub.yourdomain.com for using https. All browsers in desktop platform and Android platform seemed to work. But browser in iOS version failed to open the https. After a few digging, some said in forum that it was a known bug https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49141004/ios-10-3-3-not-working-w...

Find directories with specific size with Java. Recursive Function Demonstration.

The first function draft was generated by AI ChatGPT 3.5. But its comparative function was wrong and AI needed extra guidance to pinpoint that comparison of object in Java needs extra cares. Then its revised its recursive function. However the recursive function provided was still incorrect as it failed to count all the size of files and files inside the subfolders of a specific folder. Then I determined to finish it myself and here is my version. The DirectorySizeChecker is a Java program that allows users to check the sizes of directories in their file system. The program takes in a directory path and an optional minimum size in megabytes as command line arguments, and outputs the paths and sizes of all directories that are equal to or larger than the specified size. The program starts by setting a default minimum size of 100MB if no size argument is provided. It then checks if the correct number of arguments have been provided, and if the input directory exists and is indeed a direc...