

It is relatively hard to find code examples in Internet regarding SFTP and SSH in java.

Here I have written an example to demonstrate its usage.

Key points

  • I make use of J2SSH v0.2.2
  • The demonstration program is capable of
    • acting as a ssh mini shell
    • run a batch of simple sftp commands stored in a specified file
    • run a batch of simple ssh command stored in a specified file (not yet finished)


  • Please note that the crew who made J2SSH has already totally rewritten all of its functions and make it available at commercial market
  • Please do test the speed of the prototype before you decide on whether to use this package. We have tested that it is generally at least 10% slower than sftp version in Unix.


Application :Sftp/SSH client
Author :Edmund Ng
last update :2009-11-05
version :v0.9a
help :
This list examples of usage

1.java -jar sftp.jar --help
This starts a ssh mini client
2.java -jar sftp.jar
This makes sftp execute a list of ssh commands stored in batch.txt
3.java -jar sftp.jar -s batch.txt
This makes sftp execute a list of sftp commands stored in batch.txt
4.java -jar sftp.jar -f batch.txt
The username,password and host are stored in config.ini

Code snippet

Mini Shell Code Segment

public static void miniShell()
try {
// JDK > 1.4 ONLY
/*Handler fh = new FileHandler("example.log");
fh.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());
// Configure J2SSH (This will attempt to install the bouncycastle provider
// under jdk 1.3.1)

BufferedReader reader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.print("Connect to host? ");
String hostname = reader.readLine();
// Make a client connection
SshClient ssh = new SshClient();
SshConnectionProperties properties = new SshConnectionProperties();
// Connect to the host
// Create a password authentication instance
PasswordAuthenticationClient pwd = new PasswordAuthenticationClient();
// Get the users name
System.out.print("Username? ");
// Read the password
String username = reader.readLine();
// Get the password
System.out.print("Password? ");
String password = reader.readLine();
// Try the authentication
int result = ssh.authenticate(pwd);
// Evaluate the result
if (result == AuthenticationProtocolState.COMPLETE) {
System.out.println("Successful login");
// The connection is authenticated we can now do some real work!
SessionChannelClient session = ssh.openSessionChannel();
if(!session.requestPseudoTerminal("ANSI", 80, 24, 0, 0, ""))
System.out.println("Failed to allocate a pseudo terminal");
if (session.startShell()) {
System.out.println("Shell started");
IOStreamConnector input =
new IOStreamConnector();
IOStreamConnector output =
new IOStreamConnector();
IOStreamConnector error =
new IOStreamConnector();
input.connect(System.in, session.getOutputStream());

//FileOutputStream fos1=new FileOutputStream("mylog1.log");
//FileOutputStream fos2=new FileOutputStream("mylog2.log");

output.connect(session.getInputStream(), System.out);
//output.connect(session.getInputStream(), fos1);
error.connect(session.getStderrInputStream(), System.out);
//error.connect(session.getStderrInputStream(), fos2);
System.out.println("Failed to start the users shell");

} else
System.out.println("Authentication fail");
} //end if
catch (Exception e) {

Connect to SFTP

public static SshClient getSSHClient(String _host,String username,String password)
String hostname = _host;
SshClient ssh = new SshClient();
ssh.connect(hostname,new AlwaysAllowingConsoleKnownHostsKeyVerification());
PasswordAuthenticationClient pwd = new PasswordAuthenticationClient();
// Try the authentication
int result = ssh.authenticate(pwd);
// Evaluate the result
if (result == AuthenticationProtocolState.COMPLETE)
return ssh;
return null;
} catch(Exception ex)
return null;
}//end function

public static void batchSFTP(String filename) throws Exception
SshClient ssh=getSSHClient(host,username,password);
System.out.println("Authentication fail");
SftpClient sftp=ssh.openSftpClient();
System.out.println("Connection fail or no such service!");
File file=new File(".");
String current_path=file.getCanonicalPath();
//Read the command list in filename
Vector vLine=HF.readLine(filename);
for(int i=0;i<vLine.size();i++)
String command=(String)vLine.get(i);
System.out.println("The command is:"+command);
}//end for
//determine the current path
File file=new File(".");
String current_path=file.getCanonicalPath();

}//end function

Full class code of AlwaysAllowingConsoleKnownHostsKeyVerification

I think this part is a bit tricky and it takes me sometimes to figure it out in Internet that we can actually override the class to password the interactive login

package net;

import com.sshtools.j2ssh.transport.ConsoleKnownHostsKeyVerification;
import com.sshtools.j2ssh.transport.InvalidHostFileException;
import com.sshtools.j2ssh.transport.publickey.SshPublicKey;

public class AlwaysAllowingConsoleKnownHostsKeyVerification extends
ConsoleKnownHostsKeyVerification {

public AlwaysAllowingConsoleKnownHostsKeyVerification()
throws InvalidHostFileException {
// Don't not do anything else

public void onHostKeyMismatch(String s, SshPublicKey sshpublickey,
SshPublicKey sshpublickey1) {
System.out.println("The host key supplied by " + s + " is: " + sshpublickey1.getFingerprint());
System.out.println("The current allowed key for " + s + " is: " + sshpublickey.getFingerprint());
System.out.println("~~~Using Custom Key verification, allowing to pass through~~~");
allowHost(s, sshpublickey, false);
catch(Exception exception)

public void onUnknownHost(String s, SshPublicKey sshpublickey) {
System.out.println("The host " + s + " is currently unknown to the system");
System.out.println("The host key fingerprint is: " + sshpublickey.getFingerprint());
System.out.println("~~~Using Custom Key verification, allowing to pass through~~~");
allowHost(s, sshpublickey, false);
catch(Exception exception)


Full source code with build script can be downloaded at




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